I have met several intelligent women who still flip into dumb mode when they feel the need. I find it pretty irritating, but I agree that the blame for the behaviour really lies in patriarchal societies which have historically encouraged this sort of nonsense.
I met one very intelligent woman who gave me an intimidating tongue lashing detailing some of my many faults but I would have felt equally threatened if a very intelligent
man had said the same things to me!
As for things I'd like to say, but can't... Big respect to the NHS staff! Apart from clapping on my doorstep every evening, I can't send a message to all of them but I have one of my regular blood tests on Thursday and will make a point of thanking the nurse in person!
I agree in some circumstances its very annoying, but what is more annoying to me, is that there are other circumstances, where that level of obsequiousness is required to keep a woman 'safe' from attack.
Either verbal, or even in some cases, physical.
There's a whole armoury of weapons, linguistic, and otherwise that can be used against 'wimmin' who are considered to be getting ideas 'above their station'.
I've experienced it first hand myself, many times.
Particularly in areas where someone's fragile ego, can't cope with the fact that I'm quite successful in 'trad' male areas of activity.
Thankfully I don't encounter it so much these days.
There's a certain glint in the eye, a carriage of frame ..
Or yes, even the occasional acerbic remark perhaps, that fairly swiftly puts an end to it.
But it's boring that it still happens nowadays, that I should have to have these 'defences' and that many younger women still have to do battle with these debilitating attitudes on a daily basis.
But - Yes flippin hurrah!!
for the NHS, all the staff, at all the levels, all the workers employing their skills, in so many vital fields.
Maybe we might value, the humble service a little more ongoing.