Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Ah c'mon, :headshake:you are supposed to have been in maintenance in your last job, same Industry, exactly the same machines but every time i ask specifics, you have very little idea about them.... I ask 'have you done this bit before ?'....'no...errr, a little, not that ', comes the reply.
And today, you tell me you sprayed silicone spray on a drive belt to make it work better...ffs, that's the last thing you should do, it will have the exact opposite effect. It's ridiculous, you fix the problem not try to find a quick, temporary, incorrect way of solving it. Bloomin silicone spray, why does everyone think it's the magic solution to all problems ?
I shake my head :headshake:its really disappointing.

But you take a deep breath, smile, advise the futility of it ..and keep tryingt


Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
And today, you tell me you sprayed silicone spray on a drive belt to make it work better...ffs, that's the last thing you should do, it will have the exact opposite effect.

You took your bike for a service at Halfords didn't you?
Tsk Tsk.

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Carbon fibre... LMAO!!!
I really don't know who gave you bike riding lessons or manners but they or you failed miserably.
Having observed you almost have a head on with with another cyclist when YOU should have moved to the left and then watching two pedestrians move onto the grass verge because again, YOU didn't give them priority, I almost laughed my tits off and thanked the cycling gods when on a slippery, muddy left turn your front tyre lost grip and you ended up on the ground with your arse in the air. Karma. Love it. :biggrin:


BBC Business Report in the morning, you stated this morning Cornelia Meyer (sp) ( a banker from a European bank i can't remember the name of) wouldn't be able to be there because of the restrictions so was talking to us via video link from her base in Switzerland (or words to that effect).

So....everytime we see someone on the show from European banks and institutions, talking for about 3 or 4 minutes.....has probably been shipped across by plane, at vast expense no doubt, and at (IMO) great pointless detriment to the environment, add in the taxis or limo's ...the carbon footprint must be enormous for that 3 or 4 minutes worth of talk on TV....that could be done by video link anyway.



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Who the blazes is stocking up on carrots. Every time I go into the Coop the shelf is empty . They don’t keep anyway nowadays for reasons I do not understand unless they are injected with water somehow. I want some for soup.


Who the blazes is stocking up on carrots. Every time I go into the Coop the shelf is empty . They don’t keep anyway nowadays for reasons I do not understand unless they are injected with water somehow. I want some for soup.
I buy our potatoes from a local farmer who specialises in a few crops and sells direct to the public rather than the the Potato marketing board. He refuses to irrigate his potatoes unless absolutely necessary...why ? Because irrigated they give a great yield and therefore a good return to the farmer but the quality and life of the crop suffers. I'm still buying potatoes he pulled late last year and they are still very good, firm, tasty.
Perhaps it's the same for carrots.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I buy our potatoes from a local farmer who specialises in a few crops and sells direct to the public rather than the the Potato marketing board. He refuses to irrigate his potatoes unless absolutely necessary...why ? Because irrigated they give a great yield and therefore a good return to the farmer but the quality and life of the crop suffers. I'm still buying potatoes he pulled late last year and they are still very good, firm, tasty.
Perhaps it's the same for carrots.
My father was a market gardener ( a bit like the late mudsticks) and carrots were stored in a cool shed in dry sand and were available throughout the winter. Now they are obviously washed and start to go soft and mouldy after a couple of days. I blanch them and freeze them for soup making where the texture is not important.
Latterly we bought a sack of potatoes from a local farmer at the back end of the year and they lasted all winter but supermarket ones go soft in about a week or two. Even swede turnips do not seem to keep. In my farming days potatoes were in a clamp or long mound and covered with turf to keep the frost off and they lasted the whole winter outdoors.
My father said imported tomatoes had hard centres and no taste. Importation of tomatoes was a very sore point with him as he grew them for sale and he reckoned a certain prime minister stopped imports until his crop in southern England was harvested. The flood gates were then opened for imports causing massive damage to the sales of Scottish ones which were later ripening than the English ones.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Also remember people say far more with their faces and body than they do with their mouths.
Maybe ask her if she’d like to go for a wee walk with you and Jake?
Good luck :smile:
I caught two busses to Clitheroe,costing me £12.50,only to find when i got there it was her day off!! I knew she'd have a day off mid-week,but i couldn't really phone the shop and ask if she was in or not as they might've thought that a bit creepy. Anyway,i've left my phone number for her and she's definitely single,because i asked one of the staff if she was. Fingers crossed that she'll phone me! If she doesn't would you call the shop or go in to see her? I'm thinking the shop could forget to pass my number onto her.


Legendary Member
My father was a market gardener ( a bit like the late mudsticks) and carrots were stored in a cool shed in dry sand and were available throughout the winter. Now they are obviously washed and start to go soft and mouldy after a couple of days. I blanch them and freeze them for soup making where the texture is not important.
Latterly we bought a sack of potatoes from a local farmer at the back end of the year and they lasted all winter but supermarket ones go soft in about a week or two. Even swede turnips do not seem to keep. In my farming days potatoes were in a clamp or long mound and covered with turf to keep the frost off and they lasted the whole winter outdoors.
My father said imported tomatoes had hard centres and no taste. Importation of tomatoes was a very sore point with him as he grew them for sale and he reckoned a certain prime minister stopped imports until his crop in southern England was harvested. The flood gates were then opened for imports causing massive damage to the sales of Scottish ones which were later ripening than the English ones.

:eek: Has she died ??? I do hope not.
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