Dear YouTube advertiser ...
I don't like being obliged to watch unskippable ads before I get to watch YT videos, but it does mean that the video creator makes some money so I will put up with it as long as you don't take the p*ss. Having said that, did you
really think that I would watch a 14.5 minute advert in order to be allowed to see a 12 minute video?
Dear YouTube advertiser ... I apologise for saying that your ads are unskippable. It is actually the fault of the YouTube app that I was using!

(I still think that a 14.5 minute ad is WAY too long to expect people to stick around and watch though.)
Dear Humax Freesat box developer ... Your damn YouTube app does not display the '
Skip Ad' button, which is a big problem now that advertisers are dumping mega-long ads on us (see above). Oh, and while you are fixing that ... The edges of HD videos are missing on my HD TV. I'm not sure whether the app is clipping them off, or rescaling the video for some reason and pushing them off the screen.
Dear Samsung smart TV developer ... Thank you for creating a YouTube app that DOES show the '
Skip Ad' button, and which correctly displays HD videos on my HD screen. The other thing I would like you to do is to make it possible to see the information posted below each video so I can click on links referred to in videos, oh, and also the ones that pop up now and then in overlays at the end of videos.
Dear Intel team - if you are going to bombard me with Intel news ads telling me about how wonderful your processors are, and how you supply the most amazing development software, how about including at least a passing reference to the
Meltdown and
Spectre processor vulnerabilities!