I've never worn brown shoes with a blue suit, or worn a tie with a short sleeve shirt. Accy would be proud that I've avoided two of the worst fashion faux pas known to homo sapiens.
Never said 'literally' when I meant 'figuratively'. This seems a popular one but ive never indulged.
Never been approached by a seventies DJ, glam rock star, or Catholic priest. I can only assume that I was a particularly ugly kid.
Now I think about it - me neither
WHen I was younger my Mum told me many times that my Gtrandad (who she worshipped) "said something rude" when he saw men wearing brown shoes with a blue/grey suit
It has stuck with me and I just don't do it
Mind you - when I retired it was sort of by accident and I was in mid shoe territory
By which I mean - as a teacher at the time I needed comfy shoes - and Clarks were the best by far
but they were expensive. Hene when I was getting to the point where I was half way through a pair I would keep an eye out for a sale at the local Clarks shop
If they had one I would nip in and look for the right ones - there was a specific model and I knew many male teachers who only wore that specific model.
Sale prices were often less than half the full price if you got the tactics right
I also had a pair of smart shoes for going out and stuff
and - we were about to get married and the smart ones were getting a bit worn so I got some new smart ones
So I ended up with 4 pairs of black shoes
but now I hardly ever wear a suit - except christenings, funerals and wedding - which are rather few and far between!
so they don'e get worn much and I tend to look for reasons to wear them
so I would never need to buy smart brown ones - in fact I have banned myself from even looking at new smart shoes!