I went to Greenwich last year to catch the annual Astrophotography exhibition. I nipped into a local corner shop to buy a sarnie & drink. I waited while an elderly lady in front paid for her goods, then it was my turn.
I handed the shopkeeper a note & he counted out my change when...
Mr I-am-in-a-hurry ran in, grabbed a can of fizz from the fridge and just as the guy was handing me my change,
he leaned over me as if I was inconveniently in his way, dropped £1 into the shopkeepers hand, which still had my change in it, said 'there you go mate' and ran out....
Next time someone acts as impatient & rude like that, I'm tempted to slap the fecker....

. Is this just in London or are other people in a rush so blasted rude?.