It is, but it doesn't just wipe off like makeup.
When it comes to people's view of what's attractive, tastes change? Yes, they do. I had a girlfriend who had a large ugly scar on her arm where she had had a tattoo removed. She didn't like to talk about it, so it was obviously a sensitive issue.
Yeah I'd worked out that thing about them not wiping off too ..
My main problem wasn't whether or not people did, or didn't, like the look of tattoos - no i don't particularly like them either - i have none myself.
It was more this thing of feeling entitled to judge someones character by the fact of them having tattoos.
Yeah count me in on the tattoos aren't for me side of things. I just don't think it's very attractive nor "classy" either. But of course I appreciate I have a bit of prejudice there, much like I can't help thinking if I see someone with a big tattoo on their neck, I can't help but think "oh, ex-inmate". Another thing to consider: as a nurse friend of mine says who is incredibly against tattoos, a freshly inked tatt may look cool on a lithe fresh skinned teenager, but not so hot when it has that faded look on an old wrinkly overweight pensioner.
But then again, this thread is called "things that have bothered you", so it doesn't really matter whether other people are bothered (or not, and why should they be?). Though granted I can't say this has bothered me
that much, but when I do see a tattooed person, I do think "they'd look so much nicer without that". When you have a title that is "things that have bothered you" it's inevitable that personal prejudices will come up and subjective opinions posted

and sometimes, well, you just like or don't like something. And it's not necessarily living in the 1930's either, though I think (and thankfully) tattoos are now more socially acceptable (sorry still don't like them though).
My favourite tattoo ever was from the "We're the Millers" movie. A movie that surprized me and made me chuckle.
Like a young womans "classiness" for example - and by implication whether or not she is worthy of respect.
Prejudices, and assumptions, that are annoying enough by themselves, but have also led to poor treatment, being justified, or excused.
Many - indeed probably
most of the younger people I associate with, do have tattoos, that have some significance for them - and they are all - to a man and woman good hearted people - who are just getting on with life - sometimes in difficult circumstances.
It's their choice, none of my business, and they've heard the "Oh but what about when you're old?" argument many times over, they're not bothered by it, they're living in the present, but also have far bigger worries about the future, such as climate change, the prospect of ridiculous housing costs long term, their education, the generally troubling state of the world, all this is far more important to them than what they'll look like when they are in their sixties.
(There will of course
then be a lot of sixty year olds with faded tattoos.., It will be totally normal .. part of their history even.. with some stories to tell ..
some might regret it - many probably won't .. just like plenty of other life choices)
But, incidentally,
many of these young people actually seem to be taking better care of their bodies overall than many a youth did, in my youth.
Heathier diets, intentional exercise, moderate drinking, not smoking, an awareness of mental health, all seem far more common in the youth of today.
Far more so than when I was their age.
That strikes me as a very good investment for their futures.
'Classy' tattoos or no.
So i guess "A thing that bothers me" is character assumptions being made about young people based on their appearance.