Things that have bothered you for a long time.

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The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Wiggle 'Sales' (they're not really, not anymore, are they?)


back and brave
As I have no idea who is is, he has never bothered me in my whole life, how funny is that?

A case, perhaps, of 'if you have to ask then you can't possibly understand'*

I don't contribute to many a thread for exactly that reason; I have no idea what's being spoken about. As you say, funny that.

*That's apparently a quote from Louis Armstrong when asked to explain jazz. I'm only explaining that in case you didn't know that, otherwise this could be a kinda 'hole in my bucket' post... which is a reference to... oh heck, you know!! ;)
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Why did the BBC cancel Dear John after the second series. That was a great sitcom. I really wanted to know whether Kirk and Tiger ever got together. Then the lead actor died, so it was impossible. Not until after the BBC had started showing the American remake, which was not as well cast. I could understand The Young Ones and Hyperdrive not going to a third series, although I was disappointed, but not Dear John.
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Why did Margaret Thatcher take away our free school milk? I don't remember the Heath government, but I remember our milk being taken away. I cam remember there were sometimes power cuts, which were fun because we could light candles and use the oil lamp.


Leg End Member
Why is Harold Wilson, who cut free milk to all secondary schools, not remembered as much as Magaret Thatcher for the same thing?


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Why did Margaret Thatcher take away our free school milk? I don't remember the Heath government, but I remember our milk being taken away. I cam remember there were sometimes power cuts, which were fun because we could light candles and use the oil lamp.
Because she was a Tory and that's what they do.

The word Tory derives from the Middle Irish word tóraidhe; modern Irish tóraí; modern Scottish Gaelic Tòraidh: outlaw, robber or brigand

It's primarily because "Harold Wilson - milk snatcher" doesn't rhyme.

Wasn't Thatcher the Minister for Education? ...and as such, it was she who implemented the theft of our milk
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