Leg End Member
You'd to buy them.Why didn’t Palitoy give Action Man any socks? Eh? Just Why?
You'd to buy them.Why didn’t Palitoy give Action Man any socks? Eh? Just Why?
Got my Nan to knit some.You'd to buy them.
Why didn’t Palitoy give Action Man any socks? Eh? Just Why?
Perhaps they foretold the current trend of not wearing any socks, at the same time as wearing trousers designed for someone with a 3" shorter inside leg?
When standing at the traffic lights, the box is lit up to show the button has been pressed, people still repeatedly jab the button, why?
Localised tornado, if we were to ride on right you'd have a tailwindWhy when you go round a roundabout is there always a headwind?
EU Standards compared to British Standards.No doubt at work you have had the fire drill speech of “make your way calmly to the nearest fire exit - do not run”
Yet every fire exit sign shows the symbol of someone legging it full speed through the door.