Things that have bothered you for a long time.

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Chris S

Legendary Member
Why is West Ham in East London? :smile:


Why is West Ham in East London? :smile:
Especially given that Ham is to the west of Richmond Park...


...which is to the west of London



Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Cheap "bell wire" cables on consumer electronics. They aren't flexible, they kink, and they look like poo. Why do they do it? It would cost pennies more to use a decent flexible cable and make the customer happier.

Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
When you fly to America, they hand you a form on the flight that asks you if you have ever been arrested/convicted for a crime of moral turpitude. Don't all crimes involve moral turpitude? I decided to interpret this as pimping prostitutes, which I have never done, and ticked no. If anyone knows better, I don't want to know.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
What does Santa do the rest of the year ?
When you fly to America, they hand you a form on the flight that asks you if you have ever been arrested/convicted for a crime of moral turpitude. Don't all crimes involve moral turpitude? I decided to interpret this as pimping prostitutes, which I have never done, and ticked no. If anyone knows better, I don't want to know.

I thought turpitude was the stuff you put on the fence to stop it going rotten.

Isn't another one on the US forms asking if you are or were a member of the Communist party?

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Why do my neighbours put their bins out on Christmas Day?
Because they're thick. Just like one of my neighbours who put two mattresses out the day before Christmas Eve. No way were they gonna be collected by the council on that day or Christmas Eve,so we'll have to look at the filthy things propped up against a wall till way into next week at the earliest! There's something about dumped mattresses that says 'scruffy area and everyone who lives here is a scruff'! :headshake:
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