Things that have bothered you for a long time.

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Juan Kog

permanently grumpy
Why do horses need shoes? Wild horses don't need shoes. Cattle and sheep don't need shoes. Not sure about donkeys.
It’s a number of reasons.
The hard road surface wears the hoof down coupled with the fact the horse is either pulling a cart or has a rider on their back to increase the wear.
Cattle and sheep don’t pull stuff or walk on paved roads much.
I’m not sure about donkeys either.
Working Oxen require shoeing


They only walk on beaches.
Or become members of the Cabinet...
hey say glass is a liquid, but is it really? It seems pretty solid to me. If it's be a liquid, what temperature does it freeze at and does it go opaque?
"Glass is not a slow-moving liquid. ... It is called an amorphous solid because it lacks the ordered molecular structure of true solids, and yet its irregular structure is too rigid for it to qualify as a liquid. In fact, it would take a billion years for just a few of the atoms in a pane of glass to shift at all.:
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Spock's mother was human, but his father was a Vulcan. You would have thought they were genetically too different to mate, what with their species evolving on different planets and all. They are so different that their blood is of two different colours. I think Spock's blood is green, because it's copper based. Curiously there are animals, such as horseshoe crabs that have copper based blood, but their blood is blue.
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Breaking Bad: is it possible for someone to be a conscientious, somewhat passive push-over for 50 years and then become a hard-as-nails sociopath who can face down crimelords?
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
When Jesus talked about separating the sheep from the goats - what's he got against goats? They're a lot more fun than sheep.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I went into a shop yesterday,bought something,then said "bye"! to the shop keeper/owner as i left. She didn't reply. I had a quick glance over my shoulder to see if she was still there. She was and she had her head in a newspaper. This happens quite a lot. I'm not asking them to jump up in the air and celebrate a sale,but a little acknowledgement of me having bought something wouldn't go amiss!😒
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"Glass is not a slow-moving liquid. ... It is called an amorphous solid because it lacks the ordered molecular structure of true solids, and yet its irregular structure is too rigid for it to qualify as a liquid. In fact, it would take a billion years for just a few of the atoms in a pane of glass to shift at all.:
Ok, so that's my 1 thing learned for the day. I can go back to bed!

Your post surprised me so I did some googling. It seems church glass is often thicker at the bottom cos that's how they fitted bits that weren't of uniform thickness!

(the other fun fact about glass is that light travels below "the speed of light" through it. Difficult difference to measure in a home lab, sadly.)
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Latin in books. I came across Latin in two books today. "Quo vadis" in Under the Volcano, and joke doctor's prescription in Wives and Daughters. Makes me feel ignorant and a pleb when I don't understand it.
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