Things that have bothered you for a long time.

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Legendary Member
If you blow in a dog's face, it hides its head and doesn't like it. Put the same dog in the back of your car and what does it do? It sticks its head out of the window! Make your bloody mind up, Fido!


Legendary Member
Why do people and companies use "more than" when trying to impress us with a figure, rather than the actual number, which is always predictably one more than the figure quoted?

For example; Blackpool Pleasure Beach claims to have "more than 35 restaurants".
So they have 36 then, yes? Because if it was 39, or 56, or a hundred and seventy six, they'd say that.

Or more probably they'd say "more than 38", or "more than 55", or "more than 175".

The dicks.
According to compliant news outlets and fans, a football team that's finished 'in the top six' has finished sixth.


why do Communist and Facist armies march in such an odd way? It’s completely impractical as a method of walking.

you can tell how mad a ruler is by how stupid their soldiers look with crazy marching and bonkers medals.

None on sleeves or pants. That would be silly.


What's the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?
A psychologist aims to understand, a psychiatrist looks to heal. Or at least, that's how I've always understood it.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I keep hearing stuff like 'they only have a one bedroom flat'. What's wrong with that? I live in a one bedroom flat as i live on my own,so one bedroom is all i need. One bedroom flats seem to be the new 'cardboard box',when referring to living rough/in poverty. I know people who live in static caravans and are happy doing so.Why are we supposed to have loads of rooms to be happy in life?:rolleyes:

Chris S

Legendary Member
why do Communist and Facist armies march in such an odd way? It’s completely impractical as a method of walking.
It was originally a way of keeping troops correctly spaced as they advanced towards enemy lines. It became obsolete (deadly) with the introduction of accurate firearms.
What's the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

Psychology is how minds work either in individuals or groups, whereas Psychiatry is about mental disorders. A Psychologist is there to help people deal with relationships or their environment better either as an individual or a group.
A psychiatrist deals with people whose mind is displaying symptoms of a disorder, ie, something has gone wrong, but it can't necessarily be explained by a physical problem with the brain; it could have been caused by a traumatic experience or similar.
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