Things I don't like about cycling

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New Member
A positive attitude helps ....
A headwind is really a tailwind, it's not the wind's fault if you're cycling in the wrong direction.
Swallowing airborne midges? Extra protein - good for the leg muscles.

As for 'serious' riders, I don't know if they ignore me or not, I don't look back after I overtake.
I'm a newbie but have already learned the 1st law of cycling: wherever you are going, at whatever time of day, there is always a headwind :sad:

If you are cycling up a hill looking forward to the descent the wind will have shifted to a headwind by the time you get to the top.
Would you lot prefer no drain covers in the gutters, just drains ?
I've seen that just round the corner from a traveller park. Not sure if thats yes they're that stupid, reverse psychology as in they wouldn't
think we'd be that stupid, or did someone else steal them from there assuming the traveller camp would be blamed ?
Note "seen" so i haven't explored the depths suddenly :biggrin:
I hate hills on small roads which haven't been resurfaced in ages and are rough as hell or are more raised in the middle sloping off to the sides. I get the feeling I'm really going to fall off and use the brakes more and sometimes my muscles start to tense up which just makes it more likely I'm going to fall off (haven't yet despite going clipless). The hill running down from the a42 bridge near Castle Donnington starts off way too fast at 16 mph but is better further down at only 22 mph :wacko: due to being rough at the top then smoother towards the bottom.


New Member
If you are cycling up a hill looking forward to the descent the wind will have shifted to a headwind by the time you get to the top.

fairness dictates that a headwind setting off should be at your back on the return journey but oh no its whipped round just as you head for home 

and sometimes it brings along its friend drizzle .


Uphill sections that *really* look like downhill sections. oh, and canoeists that don't check before hurling a piece of wood onto the towpath and into my brand new handbuilt rear wheel :sad:


Well-Known Member
Headwinds, badly patched road surfaces (there are a LOT in Birmingham) and car drivers who crawl along behind you when there's plenty of room to overtake, and then rev past loudly as if to make a point. I do cycle quite far out from the kerb ( to make myself seen), so maybe they are making a point...

Ste T.

Headwinds/ rain/ too cold/ too hot/ uphill/ downhill...any day on a bike beats being sat on public transport or in a car in traffic :biggrin:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I hate myself when I make a mistake such as last night in Glasgow.

There I was, stopped at some lights and suddenly realised I was on the wrong side of the road for where I wanted to go (it was single lane but the road was almost empty save for a taxi gradually pulling up behind).

I was so busy figuring out where I had to go that I obviously missed the lights changing and changed sides of the road..... right in front of the taxi (luckily we were the only two there).
The driver gestured for me to go and then just sat and shook is head at me, but me, not realising the lights had changed shook my head back at him. He (quite rightly) just ignored me after that.:blush:

Erm, yeah, sorry, I don't normally change sides of the road like that as it's almost always the wrong thing to do, but I thought I'd be ok. WRONG!!

I was going to catch up with the driver and apologise, but he was going his way and me my way, so we never saw each other again. :blush:

So yes, I hate myself!!


I hate TOP DRESSING - renders roads unrideable, it doesn't work, and is a waste of money.

They've always done that around here and I used to hate it.

Now they just don't bother fixing the roads at all and I hate that even more. My favourite dowhnill section is now reduced to a 12mph crawl holding the brakes as much faster would risk serious damage to the wheels and probably myself as well :sad:
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