Things about Christmas you positively hate

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Heavy Metal Fan
I do not like it because it seems like a forced celebration of something I do not believe in. It's made even harder because my mum is a big part of the church. In the past she's given me grief for not sending them cards; calling me a scrooge and even "rude". It is something that you cannot back out of without risking breaking relationships and family ties which i do not want to do


I do not like it because it seems like a forced celebration of something I do not believe in. It's made even harder because my mum is a big part of the church. In the past she's given me grief for not sending them cards; calling me a scrooge and even "rude". It is something that you cannot back out of without risking breaking relationships and family ties which i do not want to do

Just cut out the flying spaghetti monster and Jesus, and celebrate it as a good old fashioned pagan festival. You can still do presents, and Santa and christmas cards and get drunk / stuffed / fight with relatives. The religious bit is optional.


Heavy Metal Fan
Just cut out the flying spaghetti monster and Jesus, and celebrate it as a good old fashioned pagan festival. You can still do presents, and Santa and christmas cards and get drunk / stuffed / fight with relatives. The religious bit is optional.

In my eyes there is little to celebrate. Yes I love the whole family getting together, and I do love giving my son gifts, but that's it. My partner and I couldn't even justify buying anything for each other, and my parents the same, so we decided to all go out for lunch and pay for each other. Which begs the question why don't we do that more experience (even if it's only a meal out) is always better and we could in theory do it a lot more than we do now, only money won't let us. We don't need a formalised festival to do that.

But I am not allowed to voice these opnions to my partner (who goes OTT at christmas) or my family, else I get accused of being tight, grumpy, depressed, killing the magic for everyone else. It's easier to just go with it and at the very least try to curtail as much spending as I can


Über Member
What otr who is this flying Spaghetti monster ye talk off?
Is this another mythical being for yuletide pagan celebrants.
I've dealt with a messaihic child, and this supposed red clad benevolent father figure , both whom may not be real, and dubious.
I don't want to have to believe in a flying Spaghetti monster as well, benevolent or not!


I don't want to have to believe in a flying Spaghetti monster as well, benevolent or not!
The point of the flying spaghetti monster is that it doesn't exist. It's the deity of pastfarianism. It's non existence came about due to the teaching of intelligent design in US schools, but it's an example of Russell's teapot. In other words if your argument is "because God", does it still work if you change it for "because flying spaghetti monster". And if you think the fsm is just silly, why is "god" sensible?


Über Member
The point of the flying spaghetti monster is that it doesn't exist. It's the deity of pastfarianism. It's non existence came about due to the teaching of intelligent design in US schools, but it's an example of Russell's teapot. In other words if your argument is "because God", does it still work if you change it for "because flying spaghetti monster". And if you think the fsm is just silly, why is "god" sensible?

For once icowden ,you speak sense.
But Deities I do not believe in tho'
I think the Fates do , their prime existence is to spread doom and gloom for anyone, prime example is the puncture fairy, nearly always a rear wheel , in the most horrid weather.
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Today i follow the flying spaghetti monster
Leafy Surrey
The point of the flying spaghetti monster is that it doesn't exist.

It's the deity of pastfarianism. It's non existence came about due to the teaching of intelligent design in US schools, but it's an example of Russell's teapot. In other words if your argument is "because God", does it still work if you change it for "because flying spaghetti monster". And if you think the fsm is just silly, why is "god" sensible?
Can't argue with that.
I always wonder how a person chooses their religion, and (by definition) deny many others.

Some have a reasonable answer: my brother believes because he had an experience that he can't explain.

Other people seem to think it's tradition/expected. That strikes me as a strange reason for choosing a belief system.


Über Member
Just a thought, if you believe and practice one religion, Rastafarisim for instance, could you believe in and practice Judaism too, ....neither have this concept of a miraculous birth
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I still have the few Christmas cards I received, here and there in my flat and the few I couldn't be bothered to open. I think I'll open the unopened ones on a hot summer's day in June or July like I did last year, pretending it's Christmas Day, but I'm in Australia not Accrington! 🤔 🧐
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To me, Xmas is just a recruiting festival for Christianity
Not sure it works. My atheist parents always did the present exchange, father christmas stuff, dinner etc. I really like christmas, or midwinter festival as I think of it on many levels.
The nearest I have got to christianity was listening to the Sally Army brass bands, which I will seek out at shopping centres as I like brass bands and I attended carols with someone once on a village green.
Other than weddings/funerals and a single christening I have remained firmly atheist myself and I have had quite a few christmases by now!
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