9/11. - Business trip to France the following day so had a rare pub lunch with wife only to get home and watch that unfold on TV.
The Sayeret Maktal raid on Entebbe airport. At school
The Lockerbie disaster. Watched that on the evening news
Elvis dying. A real passion killer with new girlfriend I'd hoped to impress but she was devastated by hearing that news
Neil Kinnock falling over on the beach and getting wet. - Was THAT a great or significant moment? Really?
Where were you when history's key moments occurred, and what were you doing?
The Sayeret Maktal raid on Entebbe airport. At school
The Lockerbie disaster. Watched that on the evening news
Elvis dying. A real passion killer with new girlfriend I'd hoped to impress but she was devastated by hearing that news
Neil Kinnock falling over on the beach and getting wet. - Was THAT a great or significant moment? Really?
Where were you when history's key moments occurred, and what were you doing?