The "where were you when...?" thread

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I was in school assembly, when they announced that former pupil Stuart Sutcliffe had died.

In our front room, listening to the radio, when they reported that Tommy Simpson had collapsed and flown to hospital and subsequently died
I was watching tv with Mom when both Elvis and Kieth Moons deaths were announced

Moon landing and Black Sabbath playing Paranoid on, I guess, TOTP's, I was called downstairs to watch on tele' with Mom and Dad, Sabbath's road manager lived next door but one to us.

Lockerbie and space shuttle I was practicing rudiments on a rubber pad in front of the tele' in mom's kitchen

911, I got to work early, no one answered the door so went to the deli to get coffee, when I came out the street was full of people staring and pointing to the north tower, the plane had come directly overhead and there was a plane shaped hole in the side of the building, I heard some dope say " it couldn't have been a very big plane". The job was on Perry street right near the West Side Highway so about 2 miles away, sounds far but the towers were a quarter mile high so seemed closer.

It was the last day of the job and the client was a spectacular peanut so we had to keep working to finish the punch list. It was very strange to be working while watching this unfold in front of us. We had another job 2 blocks from the north tower and 2 of the carpenters walked up to our job and were looking very shaken, after the first collision they went up onto the roof and were watching people jumping out of windows.

We couldn't see the south tower really as we were pretty much aligned with them, I saw the explosion from the second plane shoot out from the left side of the north tower. When the buildings collapsed there was a shimmering waterfall like effect from either side as the windows blew out. I don't think I have ever seen that on footage.


Über Member
911 - i was away hillwalking / wild camping. I was about 3 days late getting the news

and similar with the challenger space shuttle disaster in 86 - i drove up north and walked into Shenval bothy to meet a couple of mates who had been in there for a week or more climbing - they had no idea what had happened

we just can't escape news and current affairs bolluxs now can we. just get fed it whether we want it or not
911 on an exchange visit with some Ohio Nation Guard Sergeants, on Loch Ewe we were mackerel fishing from a boat which the army had hired for us, one bod’s mobile rings, he answers it listens a moment and turns white, he has been told about the Pentagon, not the other 3 aircraft. We head back to camp and only then find out the true horror. I am still convinced all of them were more concerned about the Pentagon..


Leg End Member
I might be getting a ferry to Ireland next week, if I give you the exact time would you mind turning your TV off for a few hours please?
You'll be doing the southern route.
9/11… we were having an audit at work when the secretary stuck her head into the office and told us about the first aircraft going into the twin towers. When the second one hit and we realized what was going on my boss got a weird look on his face, his previous job took him into the towers on business daily. When the towers came down and wiped the front off of the office building across the street it wiped out his old office.

a friend of mine was in charge of quality at a custom furniture company. A few days after 9/11 this beautiful big receptionist’s station shows up in the reject area with no documentation. He couldn’t find anything wrong with it and had to account for it in his work so he headed out ontothe production floor to find out why it was there. It was a custom job for the central reception area at the main entrance to the World Trade Center, they were just finishing it on 9/11 and now there was no address to ship it to and nobody wanted it


All at sea⛵
9/11 I was working in Moscow. My son messaged me to say put the TV on. Convention then was at meetings you put your phone on the table and took the SIM card and the battery out.

It came up in the board room TV as we were concluding a complicated deal. The Russian team were shocked and almost all of them were in tears

One said something to the effect that his son had died in Afghanistan. Now he was sadly confident that American boys, like his, were going to die there now.
In a truly mature way, we opened the director's safe and drank vodka.
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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Part one

JF kennedy.....Eating a bowl of Ready Brek in our then family home.

England winning the World Cup.....Watching it In a friend's parents house according to the friend who told me years later, but I can't remember it.

Robert Kennedy...In my great grandma's cottage, coughing as I secondary smoked/inhaled her one after the other cigarette's smoke. :rolleyes:

The first man on the moon (Apollo11)........ at junior school watching the event on a black & white telly.

Elvis...Waiting for a lift to my then apprentice painter & decorator job
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All at sea⛵
England winning the World Cup I was hiking in Breconshire towards Ystradfellte.
Could hear a radio ahead of us, but no detail. Eventually caught up with the radio. It was chums who we were supposed to have met earlier at a pub. But the rendezvous village had 2 pubs and we each chose the wrong one
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