Back in the late 70s I had a taxi business. A partnership. We ran a 1969 Volvo 144GL. Full leather, metallic paint and sunroof. That car ran 7 days a week 24 hours a day, with different drivers. Never , ever let us down. Routine servicing. never missed a beat. In 1988 I bought a 1977 245 estate, hooked it up to a caravan, loaded all the families worldy possessions and with wife and four kids in tow set off for a new life in Spain. Drove down to Malaga. Things didn't work out and 12 months later did the same journey back to the UK. Used the car for the next four years until it was stolen. It had 160k on the clock and never let me down or cost me a penny. Great cars,
I still hanker after one now, but they are a big heavy, thirsty old bus compared to my modern 2002 Yaris Verso.
Drove a lot of Volvo trucks as well over the years starting with the 88. But always preferred MAN and Mercedes.