I first got into Volvo when I borrowed an s70 from the company car pool one day, liked it so much, a didn’t bother swapping back to the Rover 620 turbo I was driving. Loved the comfy and heated seats and the fact they are so well put together
Replaced that with new V70 in about year 2000, with resplendent tan leather, then moved jobs so had to hand it back.
New job was in London so took cash allowance and bought an R reg V90, one of the last off the line 3.0 straight 6, top spec interior etc. Very usefully you could fit 3 booster / car seats across the back seats. Kept that for years and such a great family wagon. Had 188k on it when I sold it, and then replaced it with the car I always wanted, an 05 V70R, christened the flying hearse by a work colleague.
I’ve replaced it a couple of years ago with a 12 plate V60.
Once this madness is over and if I still have a job I do fancy the new shape V60.
Never found a car anywhere that had comfier seats, and you jump in drive for 4 /5 hours and still feeel fresh.