The un-judgemental un-smug green environmental thread

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I fix stuff where I can rather than throw away.

I drive an old car that works and is comfortable, instead of changing it 'just because'.

Always use re-useable bags - came into Wales years before 'home' so got used to it at the caravan.

I must be just about the only person that utilises the green recycling bin on our road properly - e.g. food waste


Legendary Member
Oh yeah, another one .
we never had kids, probably the single biggest contribution to the green effort that anyone could make.


As above ,no kids:angel:

I try and recycle everything where possible.
It's a bit of a faff, and I sometimes just cant.

House lights are all l,e,d , we tend to cook with a halogen oven and hob.
We use the really strong woven shopping bags,last for ages,but not ever.
Try to use one room and Always turn off stuff not in use,70s mentality with electric..a few will remember all the power cuts;)
I cycle to work as much as I can..but I need the van often.

We do try but it's quite difficult to be super green


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
No kids here either. Apart from that, not a lot. I believe that the human race is the only problem this planet has. Stop all this talk of saving the planet, the planet will be fine. What most people really mean is " save the greedy, selfish human race from extinction". Once we are gone, the planet will recover and thrive for billions more years, when we will be a distant and brief memory.
Pity about all the collateral damage we have caused to innocent other species though.
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I never do any gardening; thus providing a habitat for butterflies and such, though I can't remember seeing none.

Ha I was like that before I got married. My neighbours used to laugh with me about it. I called it my wild life garden. I did plant wild flowers one year and they really brought the butterflies in. For about five years we had a family of hedgehogs that lived at the back of one of the bushes by the fence. Sadly when I fixed hole in bottom of fence they weren’t to be seen again. The hedgehogs were noisy at night, I always have bedroom windows open, and you’d hear them. Last couple of years we’ve had nesting birds in the trees.


Legendary Member
I never drive if it is possible to walk or cycle. Mere inconvenience or bad weather are excuses that I never allow myself to accept. That makes excellent financial sense as well.

Water butts, no mains water used on the garden or greenhouse.

I have a greenhouse and grow some veg. I eat little of it myself, but Mrs D and Mini D love it and it makes a noteworthy proportion of their diet in the summer months.

I heat my house almost exclusively with scavenged wood, which is completely carbon neutral. I have a second greenhouse that I store it in, which dries it out beautifully before use. The (unintended) bonus is that this greatly reduces particulates.

I rarely shave, so don't consume blades.

5kW solar. Aside from the big reduction in mains power consumption, it's a very nice earner.

I wear my clothes until they're rags, which annoys Mrs D but reduces reliance on the textile industry.

I make my own beer :okay:

No smartphone at all, so no upgrade every 12 or 24 months to ravage the planet for rare earth minerals.

I fart as little as possible to reduce global warming.

A corner of my garden is about 10' x 15'and very difficult to access. Years ago I took the decision to leave it as a mini nature reserve. Insects, hedgehogs, birds, we see them all.
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I compost my teabags, tea leaves, coffee grounds and eggshells.


Bit off tangent, but I see a post my cuz in Oz has put up on Facebook saying that certain species have reappeared in some areas due to the improvement in air/water quality already due to the Covid 19 travel restrictions. Sadly, I doubt anything will be learned and we will all be back to normal when it's all over.
Remaining OT, did you see these?



Tho' as you say, I'm sure we'll be back to our bad old ways as soon as.

Chris S

Legendary Member
I don't eat wild animals so viruses can't jump from them to the human population. Think of all the medical resources that could have been saved if the AIDS and COVID-19 pandemics had never occurred.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
A few:
Make my own wine.
Grow fruit and veg, but sadly not self sufficient.
My car is 18 years old.
Eat very little meat. - Mrs B is vegetarian anyway.
Recycle/repurpose wherever possible. For example just in the process of making a dead laptop's screen into a monitor to assist with working from home.
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