My best wire cutters and a pair of ancient, pointy nosed pliers that probably belonged to my grandad originally ~ I suspect I know what happened to them.... We've had hens for many years, not free range but in a big pen, a bit like a large aviary. Well, being in the sticks and not far from a couple of farms we frequently get these little fellows 🐀 in the chuck pen. They don't bother me, they're only wildlife after all, not dirty, towny sewer rats that live on a diet of discarded kebabs and sweetcorn, but they don't half do some damage, digging holes in the pen and nicking the chucks food through the night. I've despatched countless numbers of the little buggers over the years (free crow food), but I recently decided enough was enough and put a layer of aviary mesh about a foot down in the chuck pen, to totally preclude access for Roland and his mates. However, they were still getting in! So, after covering a few small holes I'd not spotted previously (in the roof mesh panels around the shed window ironically) it was finally rat proof. It was during this last bit of snagging that my wire cutters and pliers went missing, I've never seen them since and I'm pretty sure that whilst in there the chucks had buggered off with them (they're worse than cats for that sort of thing). So I wait, and keep looking in the pen to see if they turn up, but to no avail yet! They'll get dug back up eventually
