I spend a useful 30 minutes today pulling shifters/derailleurs/brakes out of their respective storage areas in the parts shed.
I've got an extra set of both Dura-Ace 9000 and Ultegra 8000 shifters, but need two LH Ultegra ones and a RH not LH Dura-Ace one. Found a set of Dura-Ace 9000 brakes that I thought I had but had fallen down the back of the 'pedals' box. We'll use some on son no. 2's Ridley Fenix and Helium builds plus continue upgrades on other bikes.
After which it'll be 'selling' time - Ultegra 6700 10-speed shifters plus some 105 5800 shifters/derailleurs/brakes.
My marbles!
Once lost a pr of specs, you guessed it, found them 2 yrs later, in my map drawer, masquerades as a 'sock' drawer, thing is I knew I put them down there, turned the whole room upside inside out, even lifted a floor board or two( one is a bit dodgy Dave, nuffink.!
This was during the 'panic' demic, what a game of soldiers trying to get a new pr!