Can we stick to some facts? EV batteries don't have to be replaced every 5 years or even every 10 years. The current generation are expected to last between 10 and 20 years or between 100,000 and 200,000 miles. This is just going to improve. Many components can be repurposed or recycled.B.S. Electric cars displace pollution, they do not reduce it. Also that huge battery that has to be replaced every 5 years is a giant block of toxic waste. Yes some of it will be recycled, but it won't be "green" by any means.
They only displace pollution if the Government fails to decrease gas, coal and wood pellet burning. If you have renewables and nuclear, you are vastly reducing pollution by not burning stuff.
Lucky we already have roads then. We don't need more of them (although it would be nice if they didn't all look like the surface of the moon). Potentially if EVs and driverless expand, we will need fewer cars and fewer parking spaces.One of the biggest problems with cars is the roads they require. Too big. And once all of the trees are cut down for highways and parking it is very probable that the atmosphere won't exist for much longer
I think I already made that point.As far as public transit goes. How about making car operators pay their fair share instead of heavily subsidizing them ? Why make transit cheaper?