The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Just watched Christmas Carol Mrs p wanted a Christmas themed film’ to watch.She enjoyed it.
However she was not impressed by my banging on about me playing Bob Crachiet and quoting likely bits of dialogue I could remember.


Started young, and still going.
People in shops - Chapter 2

Just been out for a "last few bits"
i.e. the ones I couldn;t find anywhere before - some I forgot some I couldn;t find

ANyway - people
I was behind a young lad - about 14/15 in ASDA in the queu for the self serve tills and he asked me to move so he could get some flowers

He grabbed some nic purple ones and noticed me smile
he started talking and said they are for his Mum for Christmas
He also had a small spikey ball that he said his little brother will love

How nice - teenage lad going out on his own and getting some little things on his own initiative!!

Next - had - go up the High Street for "the rest"
Nipped into "Angel Dust"
Lovely shop selling all sort of "alternative stuff" from scented things of all kinds to stone and crystals
I wanted something small and nice for the grand-daughter - but not specifically girlie

Saw an awesome crystal skull - with no price on it
thought I better not as her Mum would kill me!!!
Aso saw a selection of beautiful crystal wands - not too expensive so probably glass but whatever

Thought about it but
a) too easy to break especially with 2 little brothers in the house
b) teenage girl, little brothers (one "special"), hormones, magic wand
hmmm - now I don;t believe in magic but just in case...........
better not

Turns out that M&S have much narrower aisles that the big places - but people are more polite
buggers still didn;t have any gluten free Christmas Puds though!

Did manage to get frozen mushy peas from Heron Foods - which is very scruffy - nowhere else had them
but again the people were polite and generally nice
so I can now chuck the old ones out as they are "Best Before 2022" and replace them with some that are newer before SWMBO discovers I have been feeding her expired mushy peas all year!!!

ended up at the very far end of the High Street and got to Morrisons
Finally ran across Gluten Free puds by accident

anyway - back to people
in Morrissions there was a older couple sounded quite posh and well to do (in Widnes????)
anyway they stopped an assistant and asked him if there was any unsmoked gammon joints
he said he would help them look
but thye insisted - in quite a supercilious tone- that they had already looked and there were none there and they wanted him to go and get one "from the back"
I think they regarded him as useless as he was young (18ish??) tall thing with longs hair
she repeated the "unsmoked gammon joint" bit again
then he repeated it just in case the lad had not heard
anyway - as he went off the man said to the woman
"if he comes back with smoked there will be hell to pay!!!!!!"

after a few seconds they got hold of another assistant - a middle aged woman this time
and asked her very nicely to go and check on the young lad in case he had not understood!!!

cheeky bar stewards!!!

anyway - I was looking for bacon at the time so I was near the gammon sort of area and had a look
nice row of unsmoked gammon joints - exactly was the had "asked" for all nicely on the shelf

I didn;t go and find them and tell them because I am nice like that and would have sounded sarcastic

anyway - aren;t people interesting??

Some people are interesting, most are just ignorant, arrogant idiots. 😡
Some people are interesting, most are just ignorant, arrogant idiots. 😡

Yes - clearly - but watching them can be funny
or annoying - but if you try REALLY hard you can laugh at their stupidity

I do the same with cars on motorway when we are driving and make up stupid reasons why they are driving like that

its either that or get annoyed - which is stress inducing
Thought "weird mood" was your norm ^_^

Most people think I am very calm and normal

then I say something weird and they are shocked
my wife just looks at them and tells them they have no idea

On here I can sort of let it out a bit - it helps that I have to type it so there is a delay to think things through

rather than a conversation which requires immediate response and all that


Good morning from a remarkably mild Dorset.
It's supposed to get up to 14 degrees today, 😎
This morning will see us measuring the grandson's height, the repurposed slat from a window blind has been sellotaped to the wall for more than a decade, I think today is the day that he overtakes grandad.
Daughters car has been on the granny charger overnight, it's plugged in to a socket in the kitchen, with the cable going out of a slightly ajar window. We're having a new kitchen installed in February, I might get the sparky to stick an outside socket in for future visits and general utility.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a remarkably mild Dorset.
It's supposed to get up to 14 degrees today, 😎
This morning will see us measuring the grandson's height, the repurposed slat from a window blind has been sellotaped to the wall for more than a decade, I think today is the day that he overtakes grandad.
Daughters car has been on the granny charger overnight, it's plugged in to a socket in the kitchen, with the cable going out of a slightly ajar window. We're having a new kitchen installed in February, I might get the sparky to stick an outside socket in for future visits and general utility.

I’m wondering if mine will start. Just realised it’s 3 weeks since I used it.


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all.
It's a cloudy, damp start to the day here.
A day of dog walking and domestics beckons.
Our son is calling in this afternoon on his way home from work , we won't see him tomorrow.
I'll be cooking the traditional sausage rolls and mince pies this afternoon and a few other snacky bits and pieces.
I must remember to get the turkey crown and the gammon out of the freezer at lunchtime so they are defrosted in time to be cooked tomorrow.
Enjoy your day everyone.
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