The Retirement Thread

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Well, then. What a very productive morning. My day went from lacking motivation to very productive. The local Stihl distributor is 8 miles away. They tested my charger and sold me a new one. Literally a 100 yards further is an eco-refill shop I've been wanting to visit. The shop recycles medical blister packs. It's really hard to find somewhere that does. The service is free but I know it costs the shop £200 per collection so I made a £10 donation to the cause.

Then on to a local nursery. A friend had told me they sell ex-display shelves. They do!!! Ideal for shelving in my new shed. Result. These are the display boxes bulbs are offered in.

On to Tesco. I was just checking out when Mrs P rang to say she was ready. Perfect timing.


If 6 Was 9
MrsD decided to go to the Star instead of the White Horse. We had plaice & chips.
Rather big. Now feeling totally stuffed!
The Cotleigh 'Red Kite' was very nice. :okay:

And that’s that! 32.5 years after starting I have now finished and am nominally retired. Few beers in the local tonight with former colleagues.

Well done - congratulations

and welcome to the ranks of the Retired

I remember my "ending of work" do
it was in the local pub - As usual - even thought it was my last day in the school - I stayed behind to check all the teacher had remembered to shutdown all the computers and stuff for the holidays
(for those who wonder - some teachers shouldn;t be trusted to switch a light bulb on and off - a computer is beyond what I would trust them with personally
And I speak as a teacher!!!)

Anyway - I got to the pub about 10 minutes after the others and went to the bar and asked for a large glass of wine (I know the beer in that pub!!)
The answer was "sorry - can;t do that - that Lady over there has got THE wine glass"
yup - a single wine glass
classy place that
I eventually - through strenuous attempts to not laugh - asked if she could put it in a half pint glass - and give instructions
The teacher standing next to me was far less successful in the "not laughing department"

anyway - well done - enjoy your retirement - you will be like the rest of us soon
(possibly not like Drago - but thank the Gods for that!!)
I have just read an article showing all the National Lottery prizes that are unclaimed

some are very - or even extremely - big

so - you never know - I might be a millionaire and not even know it!!!!!

not much point in checking as I don;t have a number to check

which is because I never buy a ticket - but I could still win

no - really - I could - if by some amazing co-incidence a random ticket falls and blows around for days and ends up blowing through out letter box
and it turns up to be a winner of a MASSIVE prize!!!

It could happen

well - OK - it isn;t likely - but the odds are effectively the same as if I had bought one


Started young, and still going.
Another warm and sunny day here in Gran Canaria.
Unfortunately I have to return to the cold and wet tomorrow evening. 😪 All good things come to an end.
MrsP is already looking for next years January winter sun trip.


Legendary Member
The problem with " sharing " a portion of chips is the interpretation of " Do you want that last chip? " followed by " No, you have it " followed by " shall we share it ". `it's always best to cede possession to the lady ( or order another portion )
Mrs p will not share a bowl of chips with me.I like plenty of salt and vinegar and a good squirt of Tomato sauce
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