Good day. 'Tis cool, dull and overcast which is good for our 2024 summer.
@Dave7 fingers crossed for you. Good luck.
Today? I'll pop down to the LBS to pick up my mangled Kinesis. They've had it to price up the replacement cost. Geeeez, this is going to cost the local farmer. I need to get it back as the legal bods have advised I should keep it until my claim is settled. A friend just sent me a link to a Wahoo offer, 20% discount on a new Roam. My much loved Elemnt was smashed to pieces. I much prefer black and white screens to colour but need the Roam screen size to be able to read it! Another thing to add to the claim. The 20% discount is all about mitigating my losses.
Of much more interest. I'm driving to a local cafe to meet my regular buddies on the Monday morning ride. This is two great friends who I ride with every week. Lots of chat to catch up on.
Yesterday I was very energised and did loads of stuff. Today should be the same. Last night Mrs P said "you've been very sprightly today." Sprightly!!!!
SPRIGHTLY!!! How to make a man feel old?????? Tell him he's sprightly. Hrrumphh