The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
I have not got a clue where you are, but is there anything you need?

Ah ....thank you, no I'm fine


Legendary Member
A horrible sleepless night and eventually got up at 4.
I wasn't well and in bed before 8 but fell into a deep sleep. Something woke me up with a shock...... I looked out of the window to see it was light and thought "wow, I have slept right through till morning".
Then I found out it was 9 O'clock last night :blush:.
That was it, been awake ever since.


Legendary Member
Morning. I got out at 5.30 and got a 20 mile bimble done. Nice circular route and very peaceful so quite enjoyed it, apart from lugging my weight up the hills!

The bath is running for a nice soak then I’ll have my breakfast.

Looking forward to the Tour again today. I think it starts earlier so I’ll watch it from the start as I think it’s straight uphill right away. Should be interesting.


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all fellow retirees.
It's a sunny start to the day here, and look like it might be nice for most of the day.
I've got a few domestics to do today before the Tour starts, plus I will be out with the dog shortly.


Legendary Member
Drago referred to it earlier.

So he did. I didn’t get what he meant at the time.

So glad I don’t live in America. Couple of the running sites I am on on Facebook are mostly inhabited by Americans and some of them go out carrying guns, pepper spray, etc. They just seem to think it’s normal. Thank God I never really have to give my safety much thought around here.
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