The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
A morning was spent in my office—there are still lots of things to sort out. Then, around midday, I went to the gym, followed by a visit to friends and then a mile and a half in the swimming pool this evening. I should add that I am on a mission to get the fitness back that I lost during the hospital period, and I want to fill my time up. Fishfinger sandwiches and a beer for supper—nice.


Started young, and still going.
Well, I've had a busy day.
MrsP and myself went to the nursery and bought £165 worth of plants, compost and equipment.
The afternoon was spent weeding the front garden, and planting bedding, geraniums and begonias, whilst MrsP was planting pots, and various hanging baskets.
Then I repaired idiot Dave's latest puncture. After a hot bath to soak my aching muscles I am now relaxing with a large gin and tonic or two.
The weather was very warm but is due to change a bit from tomorrow.


Legendary Member
Do any of you retirees suffer from lack of motivation? Every time I want to go for a ride, I find an excuse for not doing so. My last one was one week ago and I have only been out twice this month. I can't blame the weather as it is perfect at the moment. I don't have an indoor trainer like Mo so I have to go out. This month, I am 130 kms down on May last year with only 11 days to go. I must give myself a good kick up the a**e and take that bike out . I am a lone rider so can't rely on someone else to motivate me.

Could be worse. I haven’t been out since last August! It’s the ever increasing traffic that bothers me now. I’m increasingly nervous in it. I think that’s why I prefer walking or running now where I am on the right and can see approaching traffic


Leg End Member
Well, I've had a busy day.
MrsP and myself went to the nursery and bought £165 worth of plants, compost and equipment.
The afternoon was spent weeding the front garden, and planting bedding, geraniums and begonias, whilst MrsP was planting pots, and various hanging baskets.
Then I repaired idiot Dave's latest puncture. After a hot bath to soak my aching muscles I am now relaxing with a large gin and tonic or two.
The weather was very warm but is due to change a bit from tomorrow.
Other than this you've not done much!


Legendary Member
Good night all, I hope you all had a great day and an even better one tomorrow.


Legendary Member
4 miles in and about the same to still go. Not a cloud in the sky.

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