The Retirement Thread

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Went to London to help out with the Walk the Walk Moon Walk.

I bet you did!
Just remembered
Yesterday e had the kids all day - having spent the previous night with us
Now - normally when they stay overnight with us they are allowed to have McDonalds for tea

OK - not that often so....

ANyway - due to problems at work their Dad wasn;t going to be home until after their Tea Time
and their Mum was working late as well

SO we were asked to keep the kids for longer and give them tea
Now - at this point they had been expecting their Dad for well over an hours and the middle one is a bit autistic so can have probelsm when plans don;t go the way he expected and was happy with

SO his parents suggested that they all have Mc Donalds again - 2 days running

I do NOT approve - but they knew abou tit before I could put forward anything else

anyway - the eldest didn;t want it twice - suggested that she could have pizza
OOOOOkk - looked at Pizza Hut and the nearest to what she wanted was £8
but it was far bigger than she would eat
so I took her to the Co-Op to choose one - cost 60p and she loved it
winner - save me some money and she had something slightly healthier (just!)

If we had known earlier we could have done something better
AND gone out somewhere with them

but these things happen -


Legendary Member
I bet you did!



Legendary Member
I have just enjoyed left over salmon encroute with baby spuds and veg.

I bought a tin of chicken curry in Aldi to try. Going to have it with a baked spud.


Just remembered
Yesterday e had the kids all day - having spent the previous night with us
Now - normally when they stay overnight with us they are allowed to have McDonalds for tea

OK - not that often so....

ANyway - due to problems at work their Dad wasn;t going to be home until after their Tea Time
and their Mum was working late as well

SO we were asked to keep the kids for longer and give them tea
Now - at this point they had been expecting their Dad for well over an hours and the middle one is a bit autistic so can have probelsm when plans don;t go the way he expected and was happy with

SO his parents suggested that they all have Mc Donalds again - 2 days running

I do NOT approve - but they knew abou tit before I could put forward anything else

anyway - the eldest didn;t want it twice - suggested that she could have pizza
OOOOOkk - looked at Pizza Hut and the nearest to what she wanted was £8
but it was far bigger than she would eat
so I took her to the Co-Op to choose one - cost 60p and she loved it
winner - save me some money and she had something slightly healthier (just!)

If we had known earlier we could have done something better
AND gone out somewhere with them

but these things happen -

Granddaughter likes Pizza, we usually get a chilled one and make an adventure of decorating it with extra toppings, Olives for eyes and nose, slices of red pepper for lips etc.
I didn't realise they did tins of curry.
I often have their curry and rice. It freezes well and takes 8? mins in the microwave

I always have a couple in from Tesco - the Jalfrezi ones normally as they have a bit more taste that the basic one

I find the basic thing is a bit fierce - I normally fry up half an onion and chuck that in with some extra curry powder - makes it taste more whole

Last night I had one and just lobbed a handful of Sultanas in which made it much smoother
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