The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
I am sat out on the patio.....a very pleasant morning



Legendary Member
Back from our run. A lot hillier than I remembered, but we both got round ok. Perfect running weather as it was overcast and not too warm. Time for some toast and a sit down.

Do either of you ever get a headache after running? I am prone to headaches/migraine anyway and find running, especially when it’s warm invariably sets one off a few hours later. I try and drink plenty including electrolytes.


Legendary Member
Obviously I can't run now but used to run regularly.....up to half marathons. Never had a problem with headaches tbh.

I seem to be cursed with them. Mum was a headache sufferer too. I spoke to an ex colleague who swore she had never had one. Must be great!
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