The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Right - I'm here
Had a phone call just before from Virgin Media
which is strange because we don;t have any accounts with them - but apparently they have detected some people doing illegal stuff "on my internet"

Hmmm - having spent my whole career in IT - mostly system management - I think I would have noticed

anyway - they wanted me to put some software on my smartphone to see the "bad people" but I denied having a smartphone
OK - I lied - I was assuming they would try to get me to use TeamViewer or something but they gave up
said I was to restart my router (which they pronounced wrongly) in 30 minutes and they will ring back if there are still any problems

doubt they will - but I waster about 15 minutes of their time

anyway - apparently "we" have volunteered to have the grand kids overnight tonight so their Dad can work some overtime to help pay for the wedding next year

This bloomin wedding better be good!

Do I detect a smidgen of sarcasm there. The poor man was only trying to help and that was the thanks he got. Sheesh. Some people
I wonder how many people choose cold calling as a career and how many have to take the job to survive and feed the family, I try to be polite if possible.

There is a problem in that they may be the only person in a large family that has a job that pays much money

and so they need to keep the job and keepo earning the money

They may not even realise that a lot of the people that "persuade" to do stuff may actually be very vulnerable

They may even believ that all Western people are very rich and can afford it - or if they can;t then the Welfare State will look after them

but at the end of the day they are doing something that they can see is immoral by any reasobale moral system promoted by and religion I know - and most societies
hence they are not innocent

However, given they may NEED that job I do not go as far as some and launch a full sacel abusive tirade and call them all sorts of name
The company they work for is a different matter - but if that company ends up having to pay more people because a few of their calls end up taking 15-30 minutes and tie up an operator when there was never any chance that they would profit from it
Then that is fine by me

I should note - at one point I was rather unoccupied - bad weather so no cycling and all that - and started getting a few scam calls. I kept them on the line for as long as possible and made it clear at the end that they never had a chance until they hung up

At that time the number of apparent scam calls just kept increasing
The reasons are clearly unknown but I suspect that some of the scam centres retaliated by putting my name on a "known possible target" list and passing it to a competitor
hence I just got more and more calls.
To see what happened I started just hanging up.

Over time the number of calls dropped off until I hardly got any for some months rather than several a week

Of course, that might be co-incidence - but I do suspect that there are lists of possible targets and they get passed around - and some of them put people on the list to be passed around to get back to people who annoy them



Legendary Member
That's not cold calling though. It lying and trying to scam innocent, vunerable people out of their life savings.

That is yes, but I was talking about cold calling, a horrible job.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Salut. I had a bit of an incident with my car on the way back from my son'sthis morning. Another came out of a side road and ignored the Give way sign. As I was approaching, I beeped my horn and swerve to avoid it but it kept going and hit my back door. The woman driving it was full of apologies and said she didn't see me. Anyway, I contacted my insurance and the car is going in next Friday for repair. As it is her fault, her insurance will pay for it all, including the car hire whilst it is being done.
As the picture shows, the damage is minimal really as she was only going slow pulling out.
The strange thing is that it is the second time the same thing happened to me, the last time was about 30 years ago.


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Legendary Member
I’ve been up in the roof again today, cleaning off the residue mortar from the pointing I did yesterday, I used a wire wheel on a drill.
I’ve also cleaned the gutters, fascia and soffit boards.
Had a Cornish pasty for lunch.
Coffee time with a homemade biscuit.
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