The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
See, I wonder how id fare in Cornwall. Im from a Breton-Celt Cornish family on my Dad's side, and my surname is more common in Cornwall than 'Jones' (any cornishman will guess my surname from that clue alone).

There's a churchyard in Bude with generations of my family going back a couple hundred years. My Grandad even spoke cornish, although he passed away before teaching me any :sad:
Your surname is fairly common on the Isle of Man. ;)


Been for a ride with disappointing results. The legs and body are good but the chest is not. I have watched others try to ride out chest problems and ruin their riding for literally years - one guy I know has never properly recovered.

I have to be sensible, I don't want to be, but there's no choice other than to stay off the bike for at least another week. Shame as I has a C2C planned for next weekend.


Legendary Member
Been for a ride with disappointing results. The legs and body are good but the chest is not. I have watched others try to ride out chest problems and ruin their riding for literally years - one guy I know has never properly recovered.

I have to be sensible, I don't want to be, but there's no choice other than to stay off the bike for at least another week. Shame as I has a C2C planned for next weekend.
You were still a lot faster than I was this morning! Doesn't look bad at all. Only you know how you feel though, and I agree any chesty problems are best rested rather than pushing through it. :hugs:


You were still a lot faster than I was this morning! Doesn't look bad at all. Only you know how you feel though, and I agree any chesty problems are best rested rather than pushing through it. :hugs:
Thank you Mo. The time was fine, 1:20-1:23 is what I expect on that loop. Trouble is, and excuse me here, riding a bike and coughing phlegm is not a healthy combination! :eek:


Sad news locally this morning. Paul Mariner, ex Chorley, Ipswich, Arsenal, Plymouth Argyle and Portsmouth died yesterday of a brain tumour.Although he was born in Farnsworth, Bolton, I think he lived locally as a youngster. He used to turn out for a local pub team, The Oak Tree, where he was told he'd never make it as a pro. The pub is in the next village to us.

I remember him well. Excellent centre forward.

Deleted member 1258

I've been for a bimble this morning, my Hatton loop, 32 miles. A what a contrast to the last ride, last time out I'd got no speed or power, this time I looked at my computer when I got to Hatton and was surprise to see a 14.5 average despite battling a head wind, I felt lively and managed to keep the pace up all ride, though I started to run out of legs as I crossed Coventry at the end of the ride. :wacko: To start with it wasn't a nice morning for a ride, the forecast was for a dry grey morning with a gentle breeze, the drizzle started as I turned onto Beake Avenue, continued all the way to Hatton and finally stopped as I rode through the village giving me a dry ride home, there was also a stiff breeze blowing. So not the nicest morning for a ride but I enjoyed it, though several times I came across motorists who were being nice to me, Its nice when people are like that but it has me wondering "whats going on", thank you to those people who were being kind.



Hatton this morning, Firs Lane in the first picture and the church of St Mary The Virgin in the second picture.


Legendary Member
Morning. I was with mum and dad on holiday on a Hoseasons boat on the Norfolk Broads in 1976. I remember having sun stroke at one point it got so hot.

Misty and murky here and still very humid. Roads damp in bits so took the hybrid and managed 38 miles this morning.

Bit sweaty to say the least so a lovely steep in the bath then a big bowl of sultana bran with lovely cold milk so feeling cooler now.

Haven't checked the profile of the Tour stage today. Is it another flat one? Torn between watching that and the ladies tennis final. I would like to see Barty win as I think she would be the first Australian since Yvonne Goolagong to win.

Bit lumpy today:evil::evil::laugh:
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