The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
Must be horrible Mo. I don't know how you do what you do with so little sleep.
To make matters worse, my cold water tank ballcock must be needing fixed as I have a dripping overflow which often starts around 3am and the drips hit the windowsill of one of the windows so it's like Chinese torture.


Good morning folks,
I did a bit of painting yesterday, ( the D.I.Y. type, not the Renoir ) and emerged largely unscathed apart from where my knees were resting against a rung on the stepladders.
Great to see Cav's victory, and the genuine affection of his fellow competitors is palpable.
We're off to look after our granddaughter shortly, mum is having her second jab today. We're planning to pop into the Barking Cat for a drink on the way home, a wonderful Pub, with a wide variety of real ales, and a novel pricing structure where the beers are priced in bands depending on alcohol content.
Have a safe day folks 👍🍺


pedalling tediously
I'm fed up with being ill, partly because I'm the same as you, was awake at 2, and stayed awake until I finally gave up at 5.
Like many another here , my sleep pattern ( as such) is crazy. One trick I found is if I wake up at 2am or similar, I put on headphones and flick between internet radio stations on my Roberts internet radio. I have the little remote in one hand and know where all the buttons are through familiarity of use. Listen in the dark and quite often I drift off again and wake up hours later , radio still chatting away to me !


Wonder where the name came from. Lol. My cat occasionally growls but haven't heard her barking yet. :laugh:
It's in half of a building that was a large Chinese restaurant. The cat doesn’t do food but you can order Chinese from next door and eat it at your table. 😎


Legendary Member
Good morning all fellow retirees.
The sun is shining:sun:, possibly the last time for a few days that we will see it.

Uncle Ernie has come up again, 2x£25 this month.^_^

No bike riding today, but a nice long dog walk, finishing in the Mitre for a couple of pints with the escape committee lunchtime. :cheers:
No cooking today, takeaway Ruby Murray tonight. I have been having withdrawal symptoms, this will be the first curry shop curry for several months.:hungry:.

Stay safe everyone. :cuppa:
You have got my taste buds working overtime now ^_^
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