I've been for a bimble this morning, my Claybrook Magna loop with a minor diversion for a road closure, they were just in the process of closing the road as I rode out and I worked my way through, but on my way back I changed my route to avoid it, 32 miles ridden, and if anyone spots my cycling legs can they point them back this way please, it felt like I was riding through cotton wool this morning, no pace, no power, just like the last few miles of a longer ride where you've bonked and are trying to crawl home. It wasn't a bad morning for a bike ride, cloudy and still, a bit fresh at the start but warming up nicely as the ride went on. I can't say I enjoyed that but it was nice to get out, I usually ride on a Tuesday when a friend is with my Good Lady but I didn't fancy it then so postponed the ride till today.