The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
That was a close shave!
Just connecting the pipe to my water butt and disturbed this little bugger!
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View attachment 596612

False Widow spider. We're infested with the darned things! :eek:

Incy wincy spider crawled up the drain Along came a rain storm and washed it down again


Legendary Member
Just filled up the bird feeders.
Niger seed.... hope that brings the Goldfinches back (not been here for ages.
Mixed seed with mealworm.
Fat balls (not me^_^)
Fat block. Problem being it attracts Starlings which are soooo greedy.

Hung a bird feeder full of Niger seed up mid April nit been touched Haven’t seen a Gold finch all year

Looks as though Meal worms are in short supplyVisited two garden centres yesterday Out of stock


Casper WY USA
We have real black widows here. Favorite lurking spot back in the day was under the outhouse seat where the danglers are accessible.
Had a nice but brief ride...... no wind, 24C, bright blue skies. HOORAH. I am am hoping Fri this caca finger splint will come off as riding with it ain't my fave.
Be well and safe and enjoy your TDF action.

Juan Kog

permanently grumpy
:hello: Good morning folks, I've had an E-Mail from the Post Code Lottery? Apparently I've won a prize? In a prize draw? I shall have to carefully investigate, I do play the Postcode Lottery and haven't won for several years.
Good morning Dave from your best friend down south.:laugh:
NO I’m his best friend from down south .:hello:
Oh come on you lot , I‘m very disappointed. Aren’t there any Stanley Kubrick or Kirk Douglas fans out there.
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