I just put the TV on to watch the lunchtime news. I caught the end of an episode of '
Police Interceptors'. The patrol cops had just spotted a stolen car being driven in to a McDonalds car park so they followed it in and nabbed the driver and passenger as they got out. A search of the car revealed a pile of heavy tools on the back seat - crow bars, an axe, a lump hammer, big screwdrivers etc. The driver claimed to have bought the stolen car. He had no licence or insurance. The tools were to be used for 'gardening'! They were arrested for driving a stolen car, no licence or insurance, and 'going equipped' [for burglary]. Roll credits... The voiceover announced that the 2 youths were not charged, but a note was made that the driver had driven without a licence or insurance... And they say that crime doesn't pay!!

My late best mate suffered from
Barrett's Oesophagus. The condition has to be monitored for any potentially sinister changes so he had to have an endoscopy every year. Before he went the first time, I asked if he would be sedated. He laughed and said '
no' - it wouldn't be painful...
When it came to it, he found it deeply unpleasant so he got knocked out every time after that!