Made slow cooked pork chops in a broth of beer, garlic and onions along with some Delicata squash and Brussels sprouts, both brushed with olive oil and roasted, along with a baguette delivered as part of our weekly order from Nick the Baker. Sadly, Mrs 12, who did not feel well yesterday, only picked at her food and went to bed early. Bums me out when she does that, and it's happening more and more. We will see the cancer Dr tomorrow and she will say....Oh I am ok, and I will say ...not so much. The next step in this long, slow illness will be another round of chemo.
On a more cheerful note, it will be warm and breezy today and of course a ride is in order. I have reurned my Steamroller to single speed goodness and it will most likely be the velo du jour. My neighbor refers to the 5 bikes I cycle through (cycle through, get it) as my harem.
My elderly Rat Terrier has been limping for a few years now with a diagnosis of arthritis in her left front paw which has been red and inflamed. Courses of antibiotics have helped briefly, but it comes back. I returned to the vet, this one new to the practice, and it was determined she suffers from a genetic abnormality called "Hairy Foot". This is renegade callus growth on the paw pad that looks like little tentacles and splits the skin between the pads. For a week I immersed her foot in an iodine solution in the morning and Epsom salts in the afternoon and now lube up the area with a unguent called Bag Balm after filing the callus with an Emery board. Seems almost voodooish to me but it is great to see her scampering around without pain. At first I thought the Hairy Foot thing was BS, but not now.
Old wheels, I am thinking it is about time go resurrect some hoop houses, things made with 10 ft, 1 inch PVC and plastic sheeting into Quanset hut type structures which work as little greenhouses to extend the growing season, especially in the spring where it is 16C one day and snowing the next. Is this the same idea as a poly tunnel for you? With the hoophouses I can plant lettuce, spinach and snow peas in March.
Be well and safe and beware the Hairy Foot, Bigfoot's little cousin.