Morning. A fresh 3 degrees here but lovely for an early walk. 6.8 miles done. Nearly at 200,000 steps for the week.
Porridge finished and time for a cuppa. Hoping the forecasted wind and rain for a few days doesn't amount to much as the trails are just starting to dry up.
That step count is outstanding. Mrs Tenkaykev often gets all smug as her daily step count is frequently higher than mine. I've pointed out that as my legs are longer than hers, she will take more steps than me to cover the same distance. That doesn't come into the equation however, " Steps are steps" as she says...
I hadn't realised that Garmin has a weekly steps leader board that works between the people who you have linked to in Garmin Connect. The "News" tab is great for seeing what training our daughter is doing, just in case she's secretly upping her training so she can leave me for dust next time we're able to run together.
Ive sometimes pondered as to what my maximum day's steps might have when I was doing the longer stuff, but after trying to factor in stride length shortening / lengthening over time plus fatigue and terrain my head started to hurt