Hello people. A touch grey and a few rain drops, 5⁰ and looks like the sun will appear soon. The birds are almost hoarse. Starlings are nesting under the eves making regular trips, next door I'm relieved to say.
Our wren has appeared, he is so busy - they build multiple nests and the female choses one which she lines with moss, grass, feathers etc. Pretty much like our house......I do all the DIY, rubbing down, painting etc. Mrs P browses the web and orders soft furnishings.
Slept till 7.10. A good thing. Busy day ahead, club kit to deliver to friend, pick up Cervelo from LBS, many minor odds and ends. Then the one I'm not sure of:
The only person I remain in contact from school organises a quarterly reunion on Zoom. Started in 2020. Although we are rarely in touch we remain good friends. I've avoided these for a year, each time my excuse has been I cycle on that day. He knows I don't ride on Thursdays and arranged today's to fit with this. Over the last 10 days people have been emailing a potted history of their life.........I'm not looking forward to this!