The Retirement Thread

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Deleted member 1258

Used to get this a lot around the Wirral - a lot of the areas with old terraced houses had Yorkshire Stone flagged pavements

Vans used to turn up with workers who appeared to work for the council - and they just took up the flags - tell people the council was going to resurface it due to trip hazards so if you have a problem ring the council- then b****r off leaving a mess

I think the council ended up just taking them up themselves and tarmacking the pavement to stop the problems - at least in some places

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Fish and chips night here. A mobile chip shop does various areas each week and tonight is our area. You have to order a week or so In advance, then he phones my SIL to tell him when what time they will be in the village and everything can be handed over. :hungry:


I apologise for repeating a post of mine from several months ago, but what are these hills of which you speak. Around here anything remotely resembling a bridge is classed as an Alpine climb. I've just checked on a topographical map and the highest point within about 15 miles of my abode is at an oxygen mask height of 102 feet, not bad when you consider my village sits at about 70 feet. We're considering moving in the next few years, possibly north of York and I'm panicking about the climbs already.
York is on a plain. It's 40 years since I lived there but from what I recall you can stay flat for many, many miles. The serious stuff happens in the Dales and the North Yorkshire Moors. It is glorious.........start practicing now and you'll be fine.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
@oldwheels you mentioned Arenmurchan (spelling??). Is that across from Mull ?
We had a holiday there some years ago.
Lovely log cabin
Lovely gardens with excellent wildlife.
The problem was....there was only one road in or out, a real pain to get anywhere.
I recall a walk to a place called Whistling Sands which really did seem to whistle.
Ardnamurchan which on Mull is pronounced Ardnamurachan.
The most westerly point on UK mainland is just south of the lighthouse on the north side of the entrance to the Sound of Mull. No idea where the log cabins are tho' I have cycled that road a few times using the Kilchoan ferry and then returning via Lochaline. Hard going as due to traffic it was often impossible to build up speed on the downhills to help with the short steep uphills.
The whistling sands are probably Sanna Bay tho' the only ones I have heard of are on Eigg.
The road in and out is indeed a pain to drive and not one I would choose to do regularly.
I usually make an annual trip out to the lighthouse which is not very far. Not sure about the trike as there are a couple of hills which could defeat me and it is not easy to get off and walk with it.
We dived regularly off the point which was often "interesting" and we insisted on everybody having a marker buoy due to strong tides.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It does remind me of my farming days. The water supply to the byre came from a spring a few hundred yards uphill across a field. The pipe was lead and getting pretty clogged up so we got plastic all ready laid out and dug a trench to take out the lead one but as it was getting dark left the pipe ready to lift out next day and put in the plastic. Next morning at half past five ready to start milking discovered no water. Somebody had nicked the lead pipe overnight.:ohmy:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
They were stealing drain covers up here a few years ago!

I was doing a long descent once, enjoying the local scenery, then I looked ahead of me and saw that I was about to ride into an uncovered drain. I swerved round that and then saw that every drain cover was missing on both sides of the road for the next 3 km. Apart from being really annoying that some thieving scrotes had stolen them, it was also risking people's lives. Crashing anything into a deep hole in the road would probably have serious consequences... :cursing:
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