-5C now, 5C this afternoon with 20 mph winds. Not too bad for a nice bracing spin?
Mo, Mo, where art thee, Mo? We worry about you.
Perhaps a trip to the Big Boxes today, getting low on a few things. There is a hamburger joint adjacent, 5 Guys, that only cooks the double patty burgers after you order them, and a small order of fries is a 12 oz cup worth after which they dump twice that in the bag. Perhaps we will enjoy a 5 Guys after shopping, or maybe before.
Yesterday I borrowed my neighbor's cordless electric pole chainsaw. I may need to get my own it worked so well trimming 5 inch branches 10 feet above ground. No gas/oil mix, no futzing around starting it, just pull the trigger and cut away. Of course, when I stand directly under the branch I am cutting it can still fall on my head. I know that now.
Off to try following along with a little YouTube yoga. It is a lot more exercise than I had supposed, which means it is good for me, right?
Be safe and well.