welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Without being party to all of the relevant information, it's impossible to form an accurate opinion as to how competently this situation has been handled.
There are so many variables that it's difficult to compare one country to another at the moment with any real degree of accuracy.
Another problem is that the Covid situation has been politically weaponised. Everyone seems to have their own agenda.
Totally agree. We only have the governments of those countries giving the rest of the world those figures. As you say, every country does things differently. We are doing all deaths that take place within 28 days after being diagnosed with Covid19 dying from Covid19, even if they did not.
I doubt any other country is doing that. The figures stlll are not good, but the variations are great.
I see that France has 1,954,599 cases and 44,246 deaths. Again I wonder how manu deaths they would have if they used the exact same model as the UK.