The Retirement Thread

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Apparently, it is on BBC 2 at 19.30 tonight so you must have a late viewing in Scotland then.


@monkers - :hugs: take care, broken ribs can be a bugger - I speak from experience. :cry:
Thank you for the wishes. Humour is temporarily banned in the household - laughing hurts, coughing a little too. The worst thing ever now is sneezing - my goodness that hurts! The other half has her birthday on Monday and big bunch of flowers has just arrived - my luck is they'll start me sneezing.


Legendary Member
Good moring all. It's not so cheery here today. A very grey gloom for a sky, low pressure and an ongoing threat of rain.

After a time away from here following a difficult set of circumstances, I posted a couple of weeks ago with the intention of spending more time here again. I thought the worst of woes had happened, but then just a day or two later, I had a tumble from my bike. This loss of dignity was reinforced by managing to land in a roadside puddle of builder's mud and sludge. Being in a dazed state I rested up and waited for pain to subside. The people in the front garden by where I'd landed took little to no interest but others stopped their bikes to see if there was anything they could do.

I managed to ride the couple of miles home, immediately opting for a wallow - think Reggie Perrin's M.I.L with all that mud! Feeling a bit sorry for myself I carried out an assessment, an assortment of bumps and scrapes and shoulder that felt all out of shape.

The good news was that customary forever queue at A&E was non-existant. I was in triage within just 15 minutes and visiting the trauma unit just a couple of minutes later. Adam introduced himself and declared a suspected category three acromioclavicular joint sprain (busted up left shoulder). No delay to speak of for X-ray either which soon confirmed what Adam had said. The X-ray seemed to suggest a fractured rib too. Back to X-ray within minutes - 3 ribs broken in the back and another with a small fracture in the front. Before long I was sent home with one arm in a sling.

The next day was a bit of a shocker, bruises started to come out; I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself, couldn't sit, stand or lie down on any side without great discomfort. The first week became something of a blur due to taking painkillers. Two weeks on more bruising emerging, I'm still too tender to ride. I tried one quick session on the turbo but that soon seemed to aggravate the shoulder injury.

The bike is OK before you ask. The left shifter is a bit scratched up but no other damage at all, no frame scratches. Phew. Wiggle happened to have the part I needed in a clearance sale at £40 - I have that ready now to fit.

I can now manage to hold the laptop, so I'll breeze back a few pages to try to catch up a bit.

Keep well and stay safe all. xx
Bloody hell Monkers, you don't do things by half do you.
I wish you a speedy recovery.


Legendary Member
Thanks to everyone for their kindness. I'm certainly better that I was, the cuts healed remarkably quickly - (they always seem to, it's my one superpower) - strange how some bruises formed right away and have healed, while others are just erupting after two weeks. Why do the late onset ones hurt more? Does anybody know?
I’ve still got some scar tissue on my hip that’s still slightly painful to touch even after 6 years and yet the collar bone never bothers me unless anything presses too hard on the plate. The body is a weird and wonderful thing! :laugh:


If 6 Was 9
Thanks to everyone for their kindness. I'm certainly better that I was, the cuts healed remarkably quickly - (they always seem to, it's my one superpower) - strange how some bruises formed right away and have healed, while others are just erupting after two weeks. Why do the late onset ones hurt more? Does anybody know?
They were deeper bruises not superficial ones.
Having visited A&E more times than I can remember, in my motorcycle racing days, I have a fairly good knowledge of how things heal.:laugh:
BTW - if you've got broken ribs and you suddenly become very breathless......get yourself down to A&E pronto!
It could be a punctured lung caused by one of the broken ribs moving. Don't ask me how I know.........:eek:
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