When I was a lad, I was morbidly obese. Then it became apparent that Girls were not attracted to fat, soft little boys, so in the 9th grade (14) yrs?) I played handball for a c ouple of hours every day and drastically reduced my caloric intake, i.e. no more butter and sugar sandwiches after school with an ice cream chaser. Went from maybe 180 pounds to 120 that year. Of course, Girls still did not like me. Went out for wrestling the next year, just to see if I could, and in the struggle to maintain weight while exercising 3 hours a night, found I no longer dreamed of Girls. Instead, I dreamt of food. I have always had a prejudice against fat people which I know is wrong. Who am I to judge others? I would like to consider people in terms of their character, values and actions instead of their appearance but I do find it difficult. I do believe fat folks are a group widely discriminated against, at least here in the US.