Leg End Member
Night Mary EllenNight all.
Night Mary EllenNight all.
Molly was poking me in the face and jumping on me from 5 but I resisted until 6 before getting up. Another day of feeling a bit unenthusiastic for doing much. I'll see how I feel after breakfast.Morning all, the cats woke us up early wanting their breakfast.
A bright start to the day here, but some rain forecast for later. The garden needs it as it is now very dry. Who would of thought it, as just 5 weeks ago it seemed the country was afloat after months of the wet stuff.
Good Day. It's 8C, will be sunny and breezey. Sacrificed my ride yesterday in favour of getting "stuff" done so must go out this morning.
Spent yesterday on stuff:
Today has no plan. I'm desperate to begin planting the allotment especially my onions. Can't decide whether to risk it or not. Tomato and pepper plants arrived yesterday so I'll crack on with those.
- Finally sorted rewriting of Wills
- Organised and received garden centre delivery
- Distributed plants etc
- Taxed cars
- Planted out Pak Choi
- Finally completed preparing allotment beds
- Had video meeting re cycle club
Funny you should discuss this as I'm convinced I sleep better propped up too. Soon as I lay, eyes open and wide awake!Good morning fellow retirees.
After missing the end of a TV program last night due to nodding off (again) I've been pondering.
I'm Sitting on the sofa, feeling extremely comfortable, head nodding before slipping into the welcoming Arms of Morpheus. My head snaps up, Me: "did I nod off?" Mrs Tenkay: "yes, again", Me: "I think I'll go up then"
Head up to bed only to lie there gazing at the ceiling and wondering why I'm no longer sleepy.
I'm proposing a reclining chair fitted with sensors, and a mechanism that gently moves the chair into the reclined position once it detects that you've nodded off. A further sophistication would have two rollers that unroll a duvet from feet to chin as the chair reclines.
That's my Dragon's Den idea sorted 😁
Anyway, enough of my inane ramblings,
Have a peaceful day folks.