The Retirement Thread

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Bike bits online?
Sadly not. Mrs P asked today if I've seen the parking ticket she got recently. I picked it up off the sideboard where it has lived for sometime and gave it to her.

I'll mention here the ticket was for parking in one of those on street charging bays. Mrs P said she didn't know, I did remark on this!!!

Mrs P "oh good. I need to pay that inside the 14 days."

Mr P "That was up on March 26th. It's £70 now"

Mrs P "Well I've been worried about this lockdown business. I'll appeal and tell them I'm self-isolating and haven't been in the car"

This is true.

So an email appeal was sent. Inside 30 minutes her "appeal" based around self-isolating etc was rejected. A rather angry Mrs P has sent a further reply which is more likely to get her jailed than win friends and influence people.

So basically I was £100 up, £70 down leaving me with £30 ........ could be worse, I could be stuck at home. 🤔


Legendary Member
I often wondered about cycling [now triking] around that area. Usually was glad to get through unscathed in a large vehicle tho' on my way to Perth and on to Aberdeen. Comrie is bad but short. Crieff is longer with lots of parked vehicles blocking one side or the other.
Yes, and nothing they can do about it really. It’s a real bottleneck.


Leg End Member
The weather here has changed a bit. Monday was 13C, today -13 C. Should stop snowing in 5 hours and then 21 mph NE winds. The brown pictures are coming down from a road 1000 ft up the mountain from my house. The middle one is the highest point on the loop and the other two show some little mountains 40 miles away. The others would be from my place. Looks like the exercise today will be shovelling 5+ inches of wet spring snow. Of course by Sat it will be 10C.
I'd wait a day or two, before shovelling that snow.


Casper WY USA
I am one of the few people in town who believe the sidewalks should be passable. Besides, the shovelling counted to my daily ration of exercise...I would need a fatbike to bike around much. Had to make a path in the yard anyway, so my 16 year old rat terrier, whose legs are only about 10 inches long, could go poo and pee in the comfort a dowager dog is entitled to.


Leg End Member
....and mine! saw them play this live twice (different times Classic33 ) at the Rainbow when I had hair! :smile:
That's right, pick on me, again!
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