On a local neighbourhood forum, the local whingers have now started on about people jogging too close, and cyclists supposedly clogging the roads. Here is a typical post, maybe a point or two that makes sense. -------
Stop running on pavements. Especially in the Hadley area. The Governments guideline of going out once a day for exercise was an optional allowance, not a directive as part of some new Government fitness initiative. There are so many people jogging past on narrow pavements. If you have to jog/run then find a field or an open space. Do not jog on pavements where there are elderly trying to keep distance and get some fresh air. I am astounded by the amount of what I would call (competitive cyclists) speeding down the roads. Yesterday I saw 6 ambulances on my walk. Do emergency service vehicles really need to be constantly overtaking cyclists? The roads are primarily for first responders and key workers. If you feel the need to do high impact exercise then either do it at home or find a big open space where you can keep your distance from people and show some consideration for others. It's really not that difficult.