The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
We've suppose to have rain today, so I better get my arse into gear and take the dogs up the woods


Legendary Member
Nothing wrong with extra heavy bloomers, especially when the weather starts to get a bit chilly.

You're absolutely right, it was a bit chilly last night I had to resort to wearing PJ's again!

Morning all. A grey start as well here in the capital with rain forecast shortly. A good excuse to finish a bit of upholstering that I started months ago.


Bugger! Financial advisor just texted to cancel as she's poorly. I'd just washed, put on clean shirt and cleaned shoes in an effort to look respectable!

I'm going to the LBS for coffee and a chat plus I need new gloves.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Debating what to do with the day. Mrs D's motability car goes back tomorrow, so I'll brave the hordes of japanese soldiers who don't know the war is over and empty out the interior.

She takes possession of her new XC90 T8 tomorrow. 30 odd mile range on full electric, and 400 horsepower when both engines fire at once. Boo yah! Then when I get mine we'll be a two XC90 household.

Two, what happened to Mr Eco. You've morphed !!
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