The Retirement Thread

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Well-Known Member
Morning people.
Grey & dull here, not sure about the weather yet though


Good morning. I've now had two coffees and can type. Greyish skies and drizzle at the moment. A few of the guys are riding but I've ducked out.

The annual appointment with my financial advisor this morning. Sounds terribly grand. In fact the less money one has the more important it is to get sound advice.

Several small tasks to complete as well. Not least getting ready for my U3A Indoor Games group. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month I'm running a two hour group for folk who want to play cards or board games, chat and have a cup of tea. First one is this coming Thursday.


Legendary Member
Morning, it's grey, wet and horrible here too. Cat no.1 has just rolled in from the shed, looked round, went out via back door and came straight back in through the kitchen window.


Über Member
South of England
Good morning - Dull here with rain expected.

I might not be doing too much today. I just don't know what I did to my back for it to start hurting. It's a sharp pain in the mid-back to the left of the right shoulder blade. External enough to be a muscle pain rather than anything else. Stops me sleeping. The trouble is there's lots to do this week. Moan moan. :smile:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Good morning - Dull here with rain expected.

I might not be doing too much today. I just don't know what I did to my back for it to start hurting. It's a sharp pain in the mid-back to the left of the right shoulder blade. External enough to be a muscle pain rather than anything else. Stops me sleeping. The trouble is there's lots to do this week. Moan moan. :smile:

I hope your back feels better soon. :hugs:


Legendary Member
Good morning - Dull here with rain expected.

I might not be doing too much today. I just don't know what I did to my back for it to start hurting. It's a sharp pain in the mid-back to the left of the right shoulder blade. External enough to be a muscle pain rather than anything else. Stops me sleeping. The trouble is there's lots to do this week. Moan moan. :smile:
Strange things backs. I hurt mine in a lifting "incident" back in 1967. It went worse and worse until the specialist told me I could end up in a wheel chair. Strange but as I got older ie in my late 50s it started to improve. It will still just "go" with no warning but that doesnt happen so often nowadays.
I hope you improve soon.


Legendary Member
Its officially a piddly day here :blush:. Its been piddling for some time and is supposed to stay that way.
Mrs D takes her aunty to her weekly exercise 94 its important to keep as flexible as possible.
She got weighed last week. 5 1/2 stone. I thought blimey, welshie has bloomers that weigh that much :ohmy:.
I will have breckie then give the exercise bike a "dam good thrashing".
Next, I am shopping for a new cycle top, a new autumn jersey** and possibly a new helmet.
**I have summer, base layers and winter jackets but nothing in between. I got cold yesterday so had to put my rain jacket on which made me sweat.
THEN....... the pub for our "over 60s" 2 course meal for £4.49 ^_^.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Its officially a piddly day here :blush:. Its been piddling for some time and is supposed to stay that way.
Mrs D takes her aunty to her weekly exercise 94 its important to keep as flexible as possible.
She got weighed last week. 5 1/2 stone. I thought blimey, welshie has bloomers that weigh that much :ohmy:.
I will have breckie then give the exercise bike a "dam good thrashing".
Next, I am shopping for a newcycle top, a new autumn jersey** and possibly a new helmet.
**I have summer, base layers and winter jackets but nothing in between. I got cold yesterday so had to put my rain jacket on which made me sweat.
THEN....... the pub for our "over 60s" 2 course meal for £4.49 ^_^.

Nothing wrong with extra heavy bloomers, especially when the weather starts to get a bit chilly.
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