The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I beg your pardon.................I have just had a 5 mile run :laugh:

There's a real autumnal nip in the air this morning. Lovely and fresh.

And what will you be doing for the rest of the day? ^_^


Legendary Member
Good morning fellow young at hearts.
What a nice bright day. Cool but will soon warm up.
Golf today. The autumn cup is up for grabs so we shall see. I played well yesterday but that seldom happens twice in one week (which of course is why I play here and not on the pro circuit).
A cup of tea this morning. A shower, a shave and a err well, a few other things and I will be on the tee at 09.30.
Home again by 1500 for a Chinese banquet with a bottle of plonk ^_^


Legendary Member

Mrs P has been engaged in Facebook banter with friends re putting the central heating on. She was urged to "just put it on." Her reply is below:

"Nikki no I will wait for December 1st"


I have a screen shot!!!! :laugh:
Lol. I used to try and hold out until December, but afraid last year was no where near it. Think it might even have been the end of October.


Good Morning. It is a beautiful autumn morning. Crispish, a clear blue sky, not a breath of wind. Beautiful riding day but sadly other priorities - how many cyclists say that? :eek:

Shortly I will be on my allotment staking up my kale which took a real beating in yesterday's wind. Heaven knows what I'm going to do with the apple windfalls - looks like 50% of crop is on the ground!!!

Mrs P's birthday tomorrow. This afternoon we will have a short walk along the canal to a local cafe. I have booked posh afternoon tea. Good move or what?


Lol. I used to try and hold out until December, but afraid last year was no where near it. Think it might even have been the end of October.

It's a constant battle in our house. We call it central heating wars.

Last night Mrs P swaddled herself with hot water bottle, pashmina and blanket - voluntarily. I put on a jumper. :laugh:


Dad was always going to make a press to try and make apple juice with his.

Yes, we have a juicer and I may do this with some. I think I'll make 8 apple crumbles for the freezer plus slice a load for the freezer. It's the peeling I hate.

Also found several good recipes for kale soup. More freezer space filled.

It's a busy time of year, the chest freezer is bulging with home grown produce. It'll be great in winter. I hate growing and then wasting the food.


Legendary Member
It's a busy time of year, the chest freezer is bulging with home grown produce. It'll be great in winter. I hate growing and then wasting the food.
Yep. I have fond memories of my dad and step mum spending hours blanching all the peas and bagging them up for the freezer. He had another old, non-working freezer that he stored potatoes in.


If 6 Was 9
Very cozy in the van last night.
Gorgeous sunny morning - should be a nice day.
Off for a ramble up Brent Knoll this morning; another one of those places I've been past hundreds of times, but never explored.
Got to drop in to the Highbridge caravan shop for a couple of things afterwards, then on for a spot of lunch.
Busy, busy! How did we all find time for *ork?
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