The Retirement Thread

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Legendary Member
To live here you have to accept everyone knows everything about you and what you're doing.
From the photo I imagine everyone gets to know what everyone elses undies look like as well.
Just think, if Welshie lived there. The council would be inundated with complaints........"that woman has put her bloomers out again and we have lost our view" ^_^


Legendary Member
It never ceases to amaze me how many people get out in the winter on what you would term best summer bikes worth thousands.
The 2 brands we have mentioned above are well known for producing reasonably priced excellent winter bikes that tick all the boxes.
I could never contemplate trashing my best bike on winter roads :cry::cry:
I have the solution to that problem. In winter I only cycle on dry, mild and preferably sunny days. Other than that I suffer the exercise bike.


From the photo I imagine everyone gets to know what everyone elses undies look like as well.
Just think, if Welshie lived there. The council would be inundated with complaints........"that woman has put her bloomers out again and we have lost our view" ^_^

This is true. Though now you mentioned I've realised not every household hangs out underwear!!!!

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Well I think it should be mandatory. You have no local pub so what could be more relaxing than to sit in your garden with a cool beer while discussing all your neighbour's undies.
All in favour of this say yeah!

You are a sad man. ^_^

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Well I think it should be mandatory. You have no local pub so what could be more relaxing than to sit in your garden with a cool beer while discussing all your neighbour's undies.
All in favour of this say yeah!

It's a good job numbnuts doesn't live there. He tends to walk around in his Birthday suit given half a chance. ^_^
It never ceases to amaze me how many people get out in the winter on what you would term best summer bikes worth thousands.
The 2 brands we have mentioned above are well known for producing reasonably priced excellent winter bikes that tick all the boxes.
I could never contemplate trashing my best bike on winter roads :cry::cry:

A new bike will be out of the question but will see later in the year if i can pick up a bargain on ebay for a winter bike.


Legendary Member
From the photo I imagine everyone gets to know what everyone elses undies look like as well.
Just think, if Welshie lived there. The council would be inundated with complaints........"that woman has put her bloomers out again and we have lost our view" ^_^

What if there was the local bloomer thief living in the block.
He would think he was in heaven :hyper:
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