The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
My abiding memories od St Austells beer goes back to the early 70s when on holiday. Warrington was blessed with the nectar from both Greenhalls and Tetley's. By comparrison St Austells was dead ie no head and no body to it.
I'm in two minds about St.Austells ales.
10 - 15 years ago they were a smallish independent brewery producing some good local ales. They are now owned by US company Molson Coors and are becoming a bit 'ubiquitous'.
I used to enjoy Tribute and Doom Bar, but tend to avoid them these days.


Leg End Member


Mrs P out to play tennis. I have two jobs, roast chicken, potatoes, veg etc. and install new outside light for backyard.


Prepare food put chicken in our GAS oven. Turn off electricity as I'm not 100% about the circuit the old light is on.

Fail at fitting light as the wiring is very fiddly. Will do tomorrow.

Return to kitchen. Check chicken. Oven is off because I turned off electricity. It's feckin GAS!!!!!

Tea is late. Mrs P is having a long soak and glass of white. I ran the bath before she got home.


Leg End Member
Mrs P out to play tennis. I have two jobs, roast chicken, potatoes, veg etc. and install new outside light for backyard.


Prepare food put chicken in our GAS oven. Turn off electricity as I'm not 100% about the circuit the old light is on.

Fail at fitting light as the wiring is very fiddly. Will do tomorrow.

Return to kitchen. Check chicken. Oven is off because I turned off electricity. It's feckin GAS!!!!!

Tea is late. Mrs P is having a long soak and glass of white. I ran the bath before she got home.
Cold bath, due to having turned the electric off?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.'ve lost me..........:scratch:

Don't worry. Classic confuses the best of us. ^_^
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